
Jathedar Baba Kashmir Singh Ji Bhuri Wale

The servant has become a servant
The essence of humility and service

The word ‘Kar Seva’ symbolizes the creation of brotherhood and religious harmony by completing a task with one’s own hands with devotion and in the spirit of community. In Sikhism, ‘Seva’ is especially given a high status. Rising above the differences of color, race, caste and profession, the Sangat chants the Satnaam Waheguru and performs the tasks of service with dedication, enthusiasm, restraint and devotion. Kar Sewa is the immense power of the Sangat, with which great causes are selflessly completed. During the service, Akal Parukh gives his Sikh servants such strength and enthusiasm that they feel joyful happiness from the fatigue of the whole day. From time to time, the Sikh Guru Sahib got the construction of Gurdhams through Kar Sewa from his Sikhs and this glorious and noble tradition continues unabated in Sikhism. There is no limited field of Kar Sewa and the great men of Kar Sewa have made a great contribution to the service of humanity at the time of any natural calamity faced by humanity at the global level, due to which the importance of Kar Sewa has been highlighted at the global level along with the propagation of Sikhism.

In the field of Kar Seva, there have been great men with a passion for Naam Bani, sincerity and dedication who, along with Naam Simran, inspired the Sangat to take out time from their worldly engagements and do manual service by cleaning the houses of the Sangat, housing the Sangat, inns, shower rooms, rebuilding the buildings of the old Gurdwaras or expanding the Panthic buildings according to the need of the time. Such great men have a special place in Sikh history. One of them was Baba Jaimal Singh Ji Bhuriwale who in 1943 AD started the service of cleaning the Parikrama with a broom at Sachkhand Sri Harmandir Sahib and performed it with dedication till his last breath. During this time, in 1948 AD, the Shiromani Gurdwara Committee entrusted him with the service of opening the Parikrama of Sri Harmandir Sahib and preparing the verandahs.

The head office of this organization is at Dera Kar Sewa Sant Bhuriwale Nirmale Tapoban, Tarn Taran Road Sri Amritsar and the present chief servant Baba Kashmir Singh Ji Bhuriwale has expanded the scope of work of social service along with Kar Sewa. Baba Ji, with the support of Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, the representative religious organization of the Sikh world, and the sangat, completed the works started by Baba Gurdial Singh Ji, inherited by Baba Jaimal Singh Ji, in various historical places. Apart from Sachkhand Sri Harmandir Sahib Amritsar, the works of service done by him at many other historical Gurdwaras under the management of Shiromani have become a part of Sikh history. He keeps trying day and night and even in the summer and winter seasons to motivate the sangat to complete the ongoing work of service at various places as soon as possible and feels satisfied by handing over the work to the administrators with a very humble attitude. His personality is so friendly that whoever meets him once becomes attached to him forever. This is the reason why Baba Ji has a wide circle of followers. There is a great detail of the works done by him.

Kar Sewa Bhuri Wale Shri Amritsar


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